Thursday, December 15, 2011

Yappy! New Year!!

New year's just around the corner. Its that time of the year, when everyone is
planning their resolution's in order to improve themselves, Some just for the heck
of it. But what about those of us who have no intentions of bettering ourselves?

May be I am lazy or just perfect. I don't have a new year's resolution.

I am tired and bored of hearing the "need to loose weight", "find true love",
"quit old job, start business", 'save money", spend more time with family",
resolutions. Why come up with these resolutions at the first place? In case
anyone reading this has similar resolutions for this year, Take my advice

Instead of Loosing weight gain few Kilos. Why? Cos it tastes so good.

Instead of finding true love, become the evil one in a steamy relationship.
As they say, Bad boys and girls get laid more.

Instead of saving money, Live way, way beyond your means, Don't worry
your dad will bail you out.

Instead of spending time more with your family, Spend more time with
your GF's or BF's. Why? This is a no brainer,  "SEX", Why else?

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