Sunday, December 25, 2011

How to Please a Woman??

One of the life's toughest question is the title of this Blog. People reading
this who think they have an answer to the above question, Sorry!! my friend
you are wrong. Before pleasing her you need to understand a woman, 
And that my friend is hard!

First of all let me lay down the facts as it is. Its impossible to win an 
argument with a woman, They outnumber men & the only reason they
don't run the world is because women hate each other.

What's hard is to figure out what a woman is really thinking and even
if you find out and try control her, A woman always has PLAN B.
Whether it is weekend plans, dinner, or a guy to date she always
has an alternative. 

So what if sachin's ditching me for New years's?

I was going out with Hot dude anyways!


Women love being chased. Its part of their nature. So you finally got
the girl, it's all over and you've won. WRONG. Its just the beginning.

Our first mistake is thinking we have won. The second you relax coz
you think you have won, There she goes!! Women are not games you win.
If a woman thinks you are boring, you are not giving attention to her
that's when PLAN B comes into the picture.

So guys keep the chase alive and don't relax even if you think u 
got her. Never Loose your girl to PLAN B.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Leave leone Alone!

Recently Porn actress sunny leone appeared on Big Boss aired on Colors. She
got the short end of the stick in doing so. By appearing on Big boss, Sunny
is trying to break in to the mainstream Bollywood although the transition,
like a blow job for many guys and gals, is not always an easy one.

Why all the fuss about an young actress starring in a reality show? It's not
that she was face down and ass up while she walked into Big Boss house.

Actors forum,Politicians Etc have complained and requested stringent action
against the channel for indirectly encouraging and promoting pornography. Oh!
Please guys just because no one is banging down your door to see you banging
or getting banged doesn't mean you need to hate someone who has used her assets
to make more money than you will see in your lifetime.

It takes courage to go from being in a room full of stuck up dicks to being in India
in house full of Judgmental Indians.

So keep doing what u do best sunny!.You certainly have busted your ass to get this far.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Yappy! New Year!!

New year's just around the corner. Its that time of the year, when everyone is
planning their resolution's in order to improve themselves, Some just for the heck
of it. But what about those of us who have no intentions of bettering ourselves?

May be I am lazy or just perfect. I don't have a new year's resolution.

I am tired and bored of hearing the "need to loose weight", "find true love",
"quit old job, start business", 'save money", spend more time with family",
resolutions. Why come up with these resolutions at the first place? In case
anyone reading this has similar resolutions for this year, Take my advice

Instead of Loosing weight gain few Kilos. Why? Cos it tastes so good.

Instead of finding true love, become the evil one in a steamy relationship.
As they say, Bad boys and girls get laid more.

Instead of saving money, Live way, way beyond your means, Don't worry
your dad will bail you out.

Instead of spending time more with your family, Spend more time with
your GF's or BF's. Why? This is a no brainer,  "SEX", Why else?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

R.K Laxman Cartoons Revisited - Part 8


When Google has a question.... It RajniKanth's it.

When Alexander Bell invented the telephone he had 3 missed calls
from Rajni Kanth

Fear of spiders is arachnophobia, fear of tight spaces is claustrophobia,
fear of Rajni Kanth is called Logic

Once the cop pulled over Rajni Kanth....the cop was lucky to leave
with a warning.

Rajni Kanth has a grizzly bear carpet in his room. The bear isn't dead
 it is just afraid to move.

Rajni Kanth has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life.

Some magicians can walk on water, Rajni Kanth can swim through land.

Rajni Kanth and Superman once fought each other on a bet.
The loser had to start wearing his underwear on the outside of his pants.

Rajni Kanth counted to infinity - twice.

Death once had a near-Rajni Kanth experience

Rajni Kanth puts the laughter in manslaughter.

Rajni Kanth once got bit by a King Cobra........ After three days
of pain and agony ..................the rattle snake died

In the Matrix, the bullets try to dodge Rajni Kanth - and fail.

They once made a Rajni Kanth toilet paper, but it wouldn't take shit from anybody.