One of the life's toughest question is the title of this Blog. People reading
this who think they have an answer to the above question, Sorry!! my friend
you are wrong. Before pleasing her you need to understand a woman,
And that my friend is hard!
First of all let me lay down the facts as it is. Its impossible to win an
argument with a woman, They outnumber men & the only reason they
don't run the world is because women hate each other.
What's hard is to figure out what a woman is really thinking and even
if you find out and try control her, A woman always has PLAN B.
Whether it is weekend plans, dinner, or a guy to date she always
has an alternative.
So what if sachin's ditching me for New years's?
I was going out with Hot dude anyways!
Women love being chased. Its part of their nature. So you finally got
the girl, it's all over and you've won. WRONG. Its just the beginning.
Our first mistake is thinking we have won. The second you relax coz
you think you have won, There she goes!! Women are not games you win.
If a woman thinks you are boring, you are not giving attention to her
that's when PLAN B comes into the picture.
So guys keep the chase alive and don't relax even if you think u
got her. Never Loose your girl to PLAN B.