Thursday, October 22, 2009

In the Land of the Sand !!!

Coming to the Gulf from India as an expatriate worker was more of a leap into the dark than i imagined. At the First Job breifing, a week before our departure, we were advised on how to live in the most conservative and closed of the Gulf states - everything from studying to shopping, driving to diving, Was the water safe to drink ? Was there air-conditioning ?
Were there power-cuts (there were, frequently)? How would one's wife be expected to dress in public ?

Stepping off the Emirates plane in UAE was like opening the door of a sauna. How am i going to tolerate the heat and humidity ?

Being an expatriate in the Gulf should be a learning experience, and to learn you have to keep an open mind, if possible. And it's not only the host culture you learn about. You see your own one - and yourself -- more clearly, too. Every day has been a learning experience. Every day has taught me the importance of living in your Home Land.

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