Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ooops! I did it again!

I try not to be emotional because I believe that you have to find humor in pain. 
But its funny that i am again in a situation seeing my ex with someone new. 
We all go through this at least once in  a life, But in my case i am lucky to have 
experienced  it more than once. And if you are reading this and haven't
experienced it, I am sorry. Because as they say "it’s better to have loved 
and lost than never to have loved at all".

I feel sadness slowly moving through my veins when i start to realize, I no 
longer have access to the one person whom i knew inside out. I tell my self 
that just having a glimpse of her life after me is all i need to move on. 

As a big, grown up 29 year old, I have to suck it up, and do what i do the best.
Move on! and pray "The rebound" comes again my way. And i really hope
"The rebound that sometimes what starts off as a distraction doesn't end up 
serving as a reminder of all the things i miss from  last relationship" .

Because even after a breakup when it seems that the only plausible thing 
in the world is the pain that you’re feeling and everything and everyone 
else seems to be whirling around you in one big blur, it’s hard to remember 
that all those little people in that blur  have their own hearts which are just 
waiting to be broken.

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