We have recently seen more people coming to terms with the term
"Gay marriage".Some people being defensive even though they have
a view, Saying Its OK i guess, peace!!". Some ignorant people don't
even know what the words mean. We as a society believe marriage
between man and woman is critical to maintaining social stability.
We consider "homosexual" to be a very negative term -often a snarl
word -- that refers to individuals who have sex with members of the s
same gender. They see it as immoral, abnormal, unnatural, and changeable
behavior among adults that is condemned by God and by their religion.
Homosexuals are born the way we normal human beings are born.
They have the rightto choose whom they are going to spend there life with.
They are rejected by family and friends because of their sexual orientation.
However, the subject is always pinned against the opinion of a person or an
individual human being, And wenas human beings tend to religionalise
it to seek the answers we don't want to mouth.
Depending on different cultural attitudes toward homosexuality, some Hindus
do not support the practice of homosexuality. But others may choose to follow
ancient Hindu texts, such as the Kama Sutra, that allow for homosexual behavior.
Islamic law explicitly denounces homosexuality, and the practice
of homosexuality is a crime in many Islamic countries.
Mormon theology stipulates that "marriage between a man and a woman is ordained
of God." As a result, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not endorse
same-sex marriage.
In a day where people are getting killed because they feel other religion does
not respect the existence of the other, Would you stand against a person who
means no harm and wantsto lead a happy and normal life with a partner
whom he loves? We have bigger issues to solve.Is same sex marriage debate
so important when we are killing each other in the name of religion.
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