Saturday, February 20, 2010

Calvin & Hobbes Quotes ! Updated weekly! I hope!

1. Life's disappointments are harder to take when you don't know any
swear word.

2. I understand my tests are popular reading in the teacher's lounge.

3. I'm not dumb. I just have command of thoroughly usless information.

4. Thats the difference between me and the world! Happiness in not
enough for me! I demand euphoria!

4. People must think it must be fun to be a super genius, the don't
realise how hard it is to put up with all the idiots.

5. Sometimes I think the surest sing that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contacts us

6. Don't walk away! I'm trying to apologise you dumb noodleloaf

F#@$ Recession Lets have a Session!!

The so called Industry analysts have been saying that market is coming
out of recession beginning of this month. And i get to read this line every
month!!.More analysts have announced we are not out of recession, and
will not be for the forseeable future.As per the statements, For industry
analysts forseeable furture = 1 day i guess.

Ordinary Public like me, In the middle of the worst recession ever actually
are more concerned about grocery shopping or Whose place to attend
the Session(C2H5OH) this Weekend?

Eventhough, not affected by recession why do i still ponder upon questions
like, Is recission really over? How will it end? Whenwill it End?
Well having send all that when it comes to spendinf money on
guilty pleasures only one thing comes into mind.

Recession can wait(F#@$ Recession)!!!

Actually spending more money can get us out of recession. How? Well!

Spending Money>>More revenues for Business>>More money to keep
Jobs open>> More income for the people>>More Money to Spend>> and the Loop......

I could continue ...however no to make sure Vijay Mallya moves
up to No. 1 Spot. Cheers!!